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Episode 10195 - Monday, July 8, 2013

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The Young and the Restless

Sharon tells Jack about how she looks back at old pictures, and it’s like she’s still trapped in a time when Cassie was alive, and she was married to Nick. Lauren asks Michael if he is going to file for divorce now that their 30-day trial period is up. Michael tells her that he’s committed to making their marriage work. Michael tears up the divorce papers, and leads Lauren into the bedroom. Fen comes to see Carmine with the hopes of scoring some drugs. Carmine turns Fen down and calls Lauren to warn her, but she hits the ‘ignore’ button on her phone. Carmine finds Fen passed out in the alley with a bag of white powder next to him. Kyle admits to Abby that he shouldn’t have ended things with Summer, but doesn’t think calling her is a good idea. Abby thinks Kyle should tell Jack about the kiss he shared with Phyllis. When Jack overhears Kyle arguing with Abby. Kyle is forced to come clean about the kiss. Courtney tells Kyle that Summer will come home if he tells her that he’s sorry. Courtney calls Summer to let her know that her parents are in Chicago looking for her. Phyllis and Nick look for Summer at a modeling agency in Chicago. Summer sends Phyllis and Nick a text informing them that she is heading back to Genoa City. Phyllis goes home and tells Jack that she needs to tell him something. Later, Nick finds Summer.

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