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Ep. #7687

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The Young and the Restless

Just as Chris finds the bloody scarf in her car, Detective Weber knocks on her car window and pressures Chris into confessing to the murder of Isabella Williams. Victor threatens to reveal Michael's tampering in Isabella's case when Michael quits his job. Michael reluctantly agrees to use any means to put Safra products on top shelves. Phyllis leaves a message on Damon's answering machine thanking him for a lovely evening. Phyllis and Victoria decide that it will be for the best if Victoria be the one to draft Damon. Jack asks Dru if she knew where Damon was, since he did not show up for work. Dru sneaks into Damon's apartment to probe. She is stunned to find Phyllis's message and a receipt from Yves'. Nikki offers the ranch for the use of the gala but Sharon haughtily rejects, and tells Nikki that Victor had backed her up and they are using the Colonnade Room.

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