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Ep. #7794

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The Young and the Restless

At the GCAC restaurant, Bobby and Jill sit at the bar and discuss Kay's issues with Jill's renovation. Kay arrives and orders a drink. Jill informs Bobby that Katherine is an alcoholic and scoffs that she is putting on a show for their benefit. Jill is stunned when Katherine does take a drink and tries to take the glass away from her. Bobby steps between the two women. Katherine blames Jill for her drinking again, and declares that she was a fool to move out in the first place. She doesn't want anything to do with Jill ever again. Vanessa joins Damon at the Jabot lab, eager to work with him on the neofinitia root. Dru arrives to find them kissing. Damon announces that they now have two orchids to work with because Phyllis gave Jack the one from Dru's bouquet. Jack and John discuss Ashley's condition. They are interrupted when Damon calls to inform Jack that both orchids are missing. Jack goes to the lab, where Dru accuses Vanessa of cozying up to Damon to steal the orchids. They are sh

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