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Ep. #6883

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The Young and the Restless

Paul and Nick are able to subdue Gary and rescue Victoria. While Nick takes her to the hospital to be checked out by a doctor, Paul heads up to the main house to tell Nikki and Sharon that Victoria has been found. Nikki calls Victor at the office and wants him to meet her at the hospital. Ashley is there with him and as he kisses her goodbye, he tells her that he loves her. She is glad that everything has worked out. When Diane arrives at the office, she is hoping to see Victor, but instead she finds Ashley. Diane warns Ashley that her world is about to blow up and nothing but heartbreak lies ahead. Jack and Jill are having at drink at Gina's when Jill spots Forsythe. She wants to secure a memo from him stating that they will have their loan answer by a certain date, but Jack doesn't want to appear desperate. Jill feels it's time to talk to Nikki about helping to bail Jabot out of their financial problems. Ryan tells Tricia that she should come with him to Seattle, but she doesn't thin

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