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BB3 Ep #26

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Big Brother

HOT ROD PEELS OUT: NJ WRITER EVICTED 3-0 As the eviction draws near, Danielle wonders why the people nominated against Roddy turn themselves into "sacrificial lambs," allowing him to stay in the House. Marcellas tells Danielle that after listening to Roddy he feels hypnotized, ready to follow him wherever. With Roddy's persuasiveness an active topic in the house, Amy makes his bid to stay a little easier by putting on what Marcellas calls the "ugliest exhibition" he's seen in the House. It starts when Lisa, on the elliptical trainer, overhears Amy make an offer to Roddy for one of his beers. As Amy continues to drink, she babbles to the other HouseGuests, all of whom are visibly uncomfortable. Marcellas, now using the trainer himself, asks Roddy to go inside and get him a drink of water, leaving him alone on the patio with Amy. Marcellas tells Amy to stop drinking and go to bed. Amy goes into the House, but pulls Jason into the HoH room and asks him for some of his alcohol, then lies t

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